NEW - Tofu's Catnip Infused Wool Balls
If you have wool balls and cats or dogs, you know that they love to play with them. In fact, if you lose one, its probably wandered off with them. Cats like to bat them around and chase after them, while dogs seem to like the feel in their mouth.
Watching our cat Tofu play with a rogue wool ball recently we decided to make a ball with catnip in the outer layers for Tofu our Cat. No surprise it was a hit - so we made a few more for friends. They were a hit too.
So to keep ourselves distracted during "The Lock-down", we made 98 catnip infused wool balls and decided to offer them up here as a test. If they are popular, we will make them a permanent item.
Send us your feedback and ideas for improvements!
Only available in white for now.
We will make custom balls in brown or grey or larger sizes upon request.